Nik Nowak: The Mantis Project The short documentary directed by Hiroo Tanaka is out now on 4:3 Hit the Link to watch it! The Berlin based artist Nik Nowak deals critically with the use of sound as a cultural transmitter as is the case with music on the one hand, and with the abuse of sound as a weapon on the other. The short documentary directed by Hiroo Tanaka introduces …
01. May -06. June 2020 with Julius von Bismarck, Ekaterina Burlyga, Felix Kiessling, Fabian Knecht, Egor Kraft, Gereon Krebber, Ella Littwitz, Mischa Leinkauf, Nik Nowak, Colin Snapp, Vicky Uslé and Sinta Werner. An online brochure, that is accompanying the exhibition in the gallery, will give you a special insight into the artists’ practices narrating background stories of the works. CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE BROCHURE We won’t have an opening event …